domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

Angelus Domini - 2016.02.21

Angelus Domini - 2016.02.21

Emitido en directo el 21 feb. 2016
Starts at 12:00 pm. Every Sunday and on the main liturgical feasts, the Pope recites the Angelus prayer with the pilgrims. Before and after the prayer, he delivers a brief reflection and issues greetings.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Holy Year of Mercy, Jubilee audience - 2016.02.20

Holy Year of Mercy, Jubilee audience - 2016.02.20

Emitido en directo el 20 feb. 2016
Jubilee of Mercy - Pope Francis receives in audience the pilgrims who have come to Rome to celebrate the Holy Year.

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

Pope Francis in Mexico: Holy Mass - 2016.02.17

Pope Francis in Mexico: Holy Mass - 2016.02.17

Emitido en directo el 17 feb. 2016
Pope Francis in Mexico: Holy Mass at the Ciudad Juárez fairgrounds

Pope Francis in Mexico: Farewell ceremony - 2016.02.17

Pope Francis in Mexico: Farewell ceremony - 2016.02.17

Emitido en directo el 17 feb. 2016
Pope Francis in Mexico: Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of Ciudad Juárez

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Pope Francis in Mexico: Visit to the penitentiary of Ciudad Juárez - 2016.02.17

Pope Francis in Mexico: Visit to the penitentiary of Ciudad Juárez - 2016.02.17

Emitido en directo el 17 feb. 2016
Pope Francis in Mexico: Visit to the penitentiary of Ciudad Juárez

Pope Francis in Mexico: Meeting with the world of labour - 2016.02.17

Pope Francis in Mexico: Meeting with the world of labour - 2016.02.17

Emitido en directo el 17 feb. 2016
Pope Francis in Mexico: Meeting with the world of labour at the Bachilleres College in the state of Chihuahua

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Pope Francis in Mexico: Holy Mass - 2016.02.16

Pope Francis in Mexico: Holy Mass - 2016.02.16

Emitido en directo el 16 feb. 2016
Pope Francis in Mexico: Holy Mass with priests, men and women religious, consecrated people and seminarians