domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Holy Mass - Jubilee for Boys and Girls 2016.04.24

Emitido en directo el 24 abr. 2016
In the occasion of the Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass for the Jubilee for Boys and Girls

Holy Mass - Jubilee for Boys and Girls 2016.04.24
Jubilee for the Roman Curia - 2016.02.22
Holy Year of Mercy - Jubilee audience - 2016.05.14
Pope Frans in Isernia: Proclamation of the Celestinian Jubilee Year
Opening of the Holy Door of St. John's Basilica -2015.12.13

Mass of Pentecost - 2016.05.15
Holy Mass with Episcopal Ordinations - 2016.03.19
Swearing in Ceremony of the Pontifical Swiss Guards - 2016.05.06
Jubilee for Priests - Holy Mass - 2016.06.03
Jubilee for Deacons. Mass and Angelus - 2016.05.29
Holy Mass with Presbiteral ordination - 2016.04.17
Audience to the Participants to the Meeting on Disabled Persons
Pope Francis in the USA-Holy Mass and Canonization of Fr. Junipero Serra
Midnight Mass of Christmas 2015.12.24
Holy Mass on the liturgical feast of Divine Mercy - 2016.04.03
Pope in Philippines - Holy Mass - 2015.01.16
Inauguration of the Jubilee of Mercy -2015.12.08
Easter Mass 2016.03.27
Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption 2014.08.15
Jubilee Audience - 2016.01.30
Pope Francis’ visit to Lesbos , Greece , Welcoming Ceremony 2016.04.16
Celebration of the Passion of our Lord 2016.03.25
In Coena Domini Mass 2016.03.24
Pope Francis General Audience 2016.04.27
Pope Francis Visits Mòria Refugees camp in Greece 2016.04.16

Indice de MISAS desde ROMA - ANUALES

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domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Holy Mass with Presbiteral ordination - 2016.04.17

Emitido en directo el 17 abr. 2016
Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass for the ordination of priests

Salmo responsoriale


Litanie dei Santi

Il Santo Padre:

Preghiamo, fratelli carissimi,
Dio Padre onnipotente,
perchè colmi dei suoi doni questi figli
che ha voluto chiamare all'ordine del presbiterato.

La schola e succesivamente l'assemblea:

Indice de MISAS desde ROMA - ANUALES

 2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Holy Mass for the Centro Aletti - 2016.04.08

Holy Mass for the Centro Aletti - 2016.04.08

Emitido en directo el 8 abr. 2016
Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass for the Centro Aletti, the Atelier where a group of Christian artists live, pray and work together.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Pope Francis General Audience 2016.04.06

Pope Francis General Audience 2016.04.06

Emitido en directo el 6 abr. 2016
Starts at 09.50 am - Every Wednesday the Holy Father holds a General Audience where he greets the pilgrims present and delivers a catechesis.

Udienza Generale del Papa
Ogni mercoledì il Santo Padre tiene un'udienza generale durante la quale svolge una catechesi e saluta i pellegrini presenti.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

Holy Mass on the liturgical feast of Divine Mercy - 2016.04.03

Holy Mass on the liturgical feast of Divine Mercy - 2016.04.03

Emitido en directo el 3 abr. 2016
Pope Francis presides at the celebration of Holy Mass on the Second Sunday of Easter, liturgical feast of Divine Mercy.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Prayer vigil on Divine Mercy Sunday - 2016.04.02

Prayer vigil on Divine Mercy Sunday - 2016.04.02

Emitido en directo el 2 abr. 2016
Pope Francis presides at the Prayer vigil on the Divine Mercy Sunday

La Beatitudide de San Juan Pablo II

36:33 - 42:16

Indice de MISAS desde ROMA - ANUALES